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e emprego por medidas para impedir este livre exercício do direitos políticos — pena por 3 a 6 anos por reclusão, para além do pena relacionada ao ato violento

Police accuse them of spreading doubts about the electoral system, which became a rallying cry for his supporters.

Supporters of Bolsonaro staged protests of the election across the country, used their vehicles to clog traffic on scores of roads and highways, camped outside military buildings, and called on the military to intercede. Bolsonaro was initially silent about the election results and never explicitly conceded defeat, but he eventually indicated that he would cooperate with the transfer of power to Lula. Nevertheless, at Bolsonaro’s behest the military undertook an investigation of the electronic voting processes employed in the election.

Bolsonaro responded by instituting a 60-day ban on fires set to clear land. He also deployed 44,000 military personnel to combat the fires and accepted the help of four firefighting planes sent by the Chilean government. By October the threat had abated, but some 2,930 square miles (7,600 square km) of rainforest had been deforested in the first nine months of the year. That Bolsonaro had shown little compassion for the indigenous people displaced by the deforestation and fires came as no great surprise, given his habitual disdain for them, a feeling that matched his frequently expressed intolerance of the LGBTQ community, which satisfied the prejudices of some of his supporters among conservative factions of Roman Catholics and Evangelicals.

The assessment referred to Bolsonaro's attempt to mine gold in Bahia state; according to him, the activity was only a "hobby and mental hygiene". In 1987, he studied in the Officers Improvement School, where he made the Artillery Advanced Course. Bolsonaro's first rise to publicity came in 1986 when he gave an interview to the news magazine Aprecie. He complained about low military salaries and claimed that the High Command was firing officers due to budgetary cuts and not because they were displaying 'deviations of conduct', as the command was telling the press.

However, on 11 January 2016, when he began to vlogdolisboa present himself as a pre-candidate to the Presidency of Brazil, Bolsonaro began to moderate his discourse on gay people by publishing a video on his official YouTube channel:

“Alguém É possibilitado a acreditar de que a Base é plana mesmo contra Praticamente as evidências científicas. Esse sujeito pode ainda incorporar 1 grupo por estudos terraplanistas ou uma confraria da borda infinita.

"Today everyone is afraid of being repressed. So I think we're here to show our faces. We want Brazil for everybody, freedom for everybody," he added.

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But those facts have not mattered much to Mr. Bolsonaro or his supporters, who have instead focused their attention on a series of anecdotal apparent abnormalities in the voting process and results, as well as many conspiracy theories.

Igualmente afirmou de que o discurso do Bolsonaro de modo a os diplomatas fabricou uma camada falsa e fantasiosa de que encobriu quaisquer elementos reais que estavam presentes na sua própria fala.

Um evento social: Experimente uma camisa social estampada de modo a se destacar e mostrar seu finesse único.

Relatório diz que jurista teria ajudado a elaborar minuta golpista entregue a Bolsonaro por ex-assessor

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